Barbara Novakovič

May 15 at 8 pm
Venue: SNG Drama Ljubljana (Mala drama)
Duration: 65 minutes
English subtitles.

The performance piece Moliere is a story composed of dramatic personages. Characters such as Tartuffe, Agnes, and Alceste walk the stage…as well as Moliere, his younger self, his mother, his muse… Barbara Novakovič creates a new dramatic text using movement and humour interwoven with characters from Moliere’s plays (Tartuffe, The School for Wives, The Imaginary Invalid), scenes from Moliere’s life, and the correspondence between Descartes and Pascal. All of this combines to make a new structure, “a document of the time in which the artist lived”, as Novakovič put it.

Barbara Novakovič is a director, actor, producer, set designer, and curator. In 1993, she established the Muzeum Theatre which later was formalized as the Muzeum Institute, a production house for performances, visual projects, and publishing. Novakovič’s creativity is characterized by linking the theatre to other artistic fields: music, movement, visual arts….


Concept, direction, stage design: Barbara Novakovič
Performers: Branko Završan, Mateja Rebolj, Irena Tomažin, Sanja Nešković Peršin, Lane Stranič, Matevž Biber, Bara Kolenc
Language editing: Maja Savelli
Costume design: Barbara Stupica
Costume design assistant: Maja Radišič
Sound design, masks: Miha Erman
Music (live): Marko Brdnik/Hazemina Minka Đonlić
Light design: Jaka Šimenc, Zoran Grabarac
Production: Muzeum, Ljubljana
Co-production: B-51 Cultural Society, Ex Ponto Festival
In cooperation with: SNG Drama Ljubljana




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